Friday, May 31, 2013

Blueberry Pancake Cake

Uh-oh. I see a trend starting. Ever since that carrot cake pancake cake, I have to eat my pancakes in cake form. I don't know why. Maybe because it just feels so fancy.

Or maybe because I feel like I'm actually eating a rich,decadent cake and that is so not healthy, so I feel ever so naughty eating it. Like a child sneaking cookies. Either way,I know I'm going to be doing this every time I eat pancakes now. Of course,doing this in a restaurant may get me  a few odd looks...

Do these colors remind anyone else of Sullivan from Monsters Inc.? No? Just me? Maybe I'm just too excited for the new movie coming out..

Monday, May 27, 2013

Carrot Cake Pancake Cake

Today,I had carrot cake. For breakfast.

 Now I'm not going to lie and say it was delicious and the most wonderful thing I've ever had. 
It was good. Yes,just good. See,I was missing quite a few essential ingredients. 

The cake was okay.
I think it needed a bit more spice and maybe some raisins and walnuts,but really that's just a preference. 

The icing was the perfect texture, tasted like tofu. Because that's what it was. An easy fix would have been to add sugar, but that would have defeated the whole purpose of this being a healthy breakfast.
It was supposed to be creamcheese icing. I had no creamcheese. Oops.

But let me tell you something. This cake was super filling. I don't know how, but those four little bitty pancakes filled me up. I couldn't even finish the thing! 
And in case you were wondering, I usually eat 3-4 large pancakes. Like,dinner plate size. 
I know,I know,I'm such a pig. Oink!

As for the actual recipe, I followed this Super Healthy Carrot Cake Waffles 
(by the way,I love her blog! So many amazing {healthy} recipes,you definitely want to check her out) 
Obviously I changed it from waffle form to pancake form. I did this by adding another 1/3 cup of milk to water down the batter. I'll definitely be trying this recipe again (this time with the creamcheese) and hopefully I'll be able to get it perfect so that I can share it with you. 
Until then, make sure you check out Katie's blog. 
She has tons of delicious stuff, and so many different kinds of desserts. It's like heaven!
So,yeah...that's my story of the day. :)