Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cinnamon Roll Cookies

These. Cookies.

Gorgeous. Delicious. Looks great in moody lighting. What's there not to love? The original recipe comes from Diethood, a great blog full of delicious foods and pretty pictures. Plus, she has my name.

I personally had great success switching the flour for wholewheat, and playing around with different sweeteners. I'm sure the original recipe is just as great, though. I just find it difficult to adhere to rules of any sort. Creativity is best, right?

So, go make these cookies. Like, now. You won't regret it ;)

Fish Tales

Secret's out. I'm a mermaid. *insert seashell emoji here*

Yes, my hair is blue. Judge if you must. But remember it's what's on the inside that counts (at least, that's my excuse to any potential employers) Really though, I quite like it. Not sure how long it will last though. Already I've stained multiple pillow cases, shirts, my neck, etc. It wasn't a planned color change either. Well, the color change, yes, the blue...not so much. I was aiming for blonde. *crickets*

I completely missed - obviously. Horrified, I stood in front of the mirror that day staring at hair that was no closer to being blonde than my cat (he's orange). Fate was kind though, and my glare happened to fall upon a rejected bottle of blue semi-permanent dye; it dating from way back when I first started this hair coloring journey. It seemed good enough at the moment. I'd never had blue hair before. I also had never attempted using semi-permanent, totally wash out-able, hair color all over. 
Spoiler alert - never use semi-permanent, totally wash out-able, hair color all over.

After painstakingly painting it on (thanks,mom!) and staining multiple towels in the process, I was finally able to rinse it out. And rinse. And rinse. Thirty minutes later, the hot water was gone and I was once again standing in front of the mirror staring at hair that was no longer orange. 
It was teal. And yellow. And green. And navy blue. And every other color that could possibly come between. It was bad. Never fear, though! This story has a happy ending. A quick trip to Walmart, another 45 minute hair coloring process, and I had beautiful aqua hair...and scalp. And ears. Don't dye your hair happy colors if you don't want your skin happy colors, too! 

Also, if you've never taken a picture with a chicken, definitely give it a try!